Thursday, October 4, 2007

10.4.07 - WEIGHT 187

FINALLY! haha. I lost a pound. Hopefully this is a sign that I am about to get off this plateau and head towards some more weight loss. I know its only a pound, but I'm excited and hopeful that this is a start to the end of my plateau.

Today we leave for WA. Although I am going to see if the hotel has a gym in it, I am not going to do anything today, today will be a rest day.

7:00AM - Ripped Fuel, Fish oil, B-Complex, Vit-E, Grn Tea Ext.
7:00AM - 1 Egg, 1 Cup Milk with High Protein Cereal (390 kcal, 9gF, 47gC, 32gP)
10:00AM - EAS Carb Control Protein Bar (230 kcal, 8gF, 27-3gC*, 17gP)

*3g Net Carbs once fiber and sugar Alcohols are removed

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