Tuesday, October 2, 2007

10.2.07 - Weight 188 - Biceps/Triceps/Abs

OK, here we go, day 1 of this new routine. My back hurts from yesterdays workout, I guess like everything else, if it hurts that means its working right? haha.

I am eating 6 meals today with a total calorie intake of around 2000 calories. I am trying to take in as many grams of protein as possible, I have made 3 of my meals focused on protein intake. My meal in question is "dinner" with the family. We are having pizza tonight (home made), that means a mass amount of simple carbs and high amounts of fat compared to my days meals. I think this is an issue that may be holding me back, I seem to do great all day and then blow it for dinner. The sad part here is that I am a huge pizza fan, I love it, so this will be a major show of self control if I can keep this under control. I think what I may do is make a smaller pizza for myself, thin crust using very little dough, and keep the cheese lighter than the families pizza, I'll eat that and maybe have a scoop of protein with it. That should reduce the amount of carbs and fat while still maintaining a decent level of protein as my meal. Even as it stands I will be eating about twice as many calories for dinner as any other meal but I'll work on that in the coming days.

To throw another wrench in my diet, I am leaving for 3.5 days to go up to the Portland, OR area on Thursday. We will be living out of a hotel and eating out every meal so trying to keep the 6 meals a day/healthy eating up may be difficult. I'm going to see if the hotel has a weight room, if they do I am going to hit it hard. I will also take some protein bars with me and create 2-3 more meals during the day in between breakfast, lunch and dinner with my wife. I'm make it work, I just hope I don't come back weighing more than I do now! haha

I am a little concerned about the cardio change in my diet. I've been attacking the cardio so hard lately it feels wrong for me to back off, especially when some nights will consist of 6-7 minutes of HIIT and that's it. I must say though, I was dripping with sweat after last nights HIIT routine, that really got my heart rate screaming, I was panting for several minutes after I finished, I was out of breathe. - if anyone here has experience with HIIT or advanced cardio situations like I am trying to do please comment on this with any suggestions or changes to my diet as you see fit, I am SO open to discussion on this.

...also to add, I drank over a gallon of water yesterday and am headed in that direction again today. I think I have been getting dehydrated lately so I am going to make an extra effort to keep my water intake high!

E-Z Bar Curl
1 Set/20 Reps with 40lbs
1 Set/8 Reps with 80lbs (form was whack)
3 Sets/8-10 Reps with 70lbs (drop set reduced to 50lbs and did 9 more reps)

Cross Body Hammer Curls
3 Sets 10-12 Reps with 25lb Dumbbells

Standing Dumbbell Curls
1 Set - 12 reps with 25lb Dumbbells
1 Set - 21's (7 lower, 7 upper, 7 full) with 25lb Sumbbells (this was hard)

E-Z Bar Overhead Extensions
1 Set 15 Reps with 50lbs
3 Sets 8-10 Reps with 60lbs

Overhead Dumbbell Press SUPERSET with Wide Grip Barbell Curl
3 Sets of 12 Reps with 25 lbs - 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps with 60lbs

3 Sets of 10-12 Reps

2 Sets of 25 Situps

7:00AM - Ripped Fuel, Fish oil, B-Complex, Vit-E, Grn Tea Ext.
7:00AM - 1 Egg, 1 Cup Milk with High Protein Cereal (390 kcal, 9gF, 47gC, 32gP)
10:00 AM - EAS Carb Control Protein Bar (230 kcal, 8gF, 27-3gC*, 17gP)
12:00 PM - Ham/Tur Sndwch on Wheat w\Cheese (395 kcal, 11.5gF, 40gC, 34gP)
3:30 PM - 2 Scoop Protein Shake (260 kcal, 8gF, 6gC, 40gP)
6:15 PM - 1 Scoop Protein Shake (130, 4gF, 3gC, 20gP)
7:00 PM - personal cheese pizza (approx. 400 kcal, 16gP [from 1/2 cup mozz. cheese])
10:00 PM - HIIT Cardio
10:20 PM - EAS Carb Control Protein Bar (230 kcal, 8gF, 27-3gC*, 17gP)

Total Calories for today: 2035
Total Protein for today: 176g

*3g Net Carbs once fiber and sugar Alcohols are removed

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