Friday, October 12, 2007

10.12.07 - Weight 188

I was really feeling crummy yesterday afternoon, I wasn't planning on doing anything but then I came home and sucked down 2 heaping scoops of N.O. Xplode and that god me pumped. The difference this time was that normally I drink the noexplode and start lifting about 20-30 minutes later, but last night I took it, went to my sons soccer practice, ate dinner, then came home and worked out. So it had been about 2 hours after I drank it, but man it was still going strong, in fact I think it might have been better than only 30 minutes into it.

Anyway, my bi's and tri's feel really pumped up today, I can visually see a difference in them, they feel and look bigger. My weight was slightly up this morning. (188). I think its water since I've been sucking down as much liquid as possible since I haven't been feeling that great. I also ate a salty dinner last night and have not done cardio in 2 days. I think once I get better and bang out a couple cardio sessions I'll see my weight drop down to the 186 or 185 (hopefully) range.

Today I'm treating myself to Indian food. I am going to eat Chicken Tika Masala. I know its like the worst thing you can eat (cream based sauce, dark meat chicken, etc.) but its my cheat day. I am getting a 1 item combo and only going to eat 1/2 so it shouldn't be too bad.

7:00AM - 1 Egg, 1 Cup Milk with High Protein Cereal (390, 9gF, 47gC, 32gP)
9:45AM - EAS Carb Smart Protein Bar (230, 8gF, 3gC, 17gP)
12:15PM - 1/2 Chicken Tika Masala Meal with Nann
3:00PM - 1/2 Chicken Tika Masala Meal
6:30PM - 1.5 Piece Pizza, 1 Piece Garlic Bread (I know, I know, its been a bad diet day)
9:45PM - 45min. Cardio
10:30PM - EAS Carb Smart Protein Bar (230, 8gF, 3gC, 17gP)

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