Wednesday, October 3, 2007

10.3.07 - Weight 188 - Quads

Well not to my surprise my weight was holding strong at 188 again this morning. I guess its unreasonable to think that I can get out of rut or off a plateau with 2 solid days on a corrected diet, this will probably take some time.

My lifting yesterday was awesome. It was a good one. I hate those days where for some reason your not connecting with the workout and you finish feeling let down, yesterdays workout was not one of those, I felt good (well hurting, but in a good way).

My diet today is going to very similar to yesterdays with the exception of dinner. I am going to have a chicken breast and some home made mac-and-cheese.

I am going to take a rest day today. I'm not going to lift and I'm not doing cardio. I really hope the hotel were staying at tomorrow night has a gym in it, if it does I will workout tomorrow night, if not....well then we'll call this a mini vacation from fitness and pick up where we left off. I am planning on stocking up on protein bars and single serving protein shakes. I saw them at Target for like $1.50/serving. Its important to me to continue the 6 meals a day, even when on vacation.

I wasn't planning on lifting today but I've been wanting to break into doing Quads again. Its literally been 2 years since I've done legs (other than light calf raises). I know that they need to be done but have been putting it off. Anyway, today I decided to do some light sets to get into it, even with the light weights my quads are burning, I know they will be soar tomorrow! haha I will now work them into my routine and will coordinate cardio around when I do them.

Well despite the fact that walking up and down the stairs was a challenge, my wife talked me into doing cardio with her. We continued watching 'Saving Private Ryan' and I thought what the heck, I'll try it for as long as I can stand it. A week ago I printed out a 8"x10" of myself when I was 280 pounds. I posted it on the wall in front of me as a constant reminder of what I would get to if I returned to my old way of it extreme motivation. I had to look at it a few times to get through the 30 minutes tonight but I did it, and I am 300 calories lighter for it. haha

Behind the Back Squats
3 Sets 10 Reps with 60lbs

Sissy Squats
3 Sets 10 Reps with 25 lbs

1 Set 10 Reps with 60lbs

7:00AM - Ripped Fuel, Fish oil, B-Complex, Vit-E, Grn Tea Ext.
7:00AM - 1 Egg, 1 Cup Milk with High Protein Cereal (390 kcal, 9gF, 47gC, 32gP)
10:00AM - EAS Carb Control Protein Bar (230 kcal, 8gF, 27-3gC*, 17gP)
12:30 PM - Ham/Tur Sndwch on Wheat w\Cheese (395 kcal, 11.5gF, 40gC, 34gP)
4:00 PM - 2 Scoop Protein Shake (260 kcal, 8gF, 6gC, 40gP)
4:00 PM - Ripped Fuel
6:45 PM - CHK Breast with Corn and Potatoes (est. 500 kcal, 70gP)
9:30PM - 30min. Cardio
10:00PM - EAS Carb Control Protein Bar (230 kcal, 8gF, 27-3gC*, 17gP)

Total Calories for today: 2005
Total Grams of Protein: 210

*3g Net Carbs once fiber and sugar Alcohols are removed

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