Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10.11.07 - Weight 186 - Bi's/Tri's

I think I am going to try a low weight/high rep arm workout tonight. I decided to hit the arms twice a week but I'm curious what will happen if I do 1 day early in the week of heavy mass building lifting and then add this 2nd day later in the week of low weight high rep exercises, really burn the muscles in. I'll give it a shot for a few weeks and see how it goes. The more and more I start to look into things and the more I get thinking about it, the more I realize I need to join a gym. It would cost me thousands to get all the equipment to do what I can do in a gym for a low monthly fee. I am going to wait until we move to join one but I will join one, I need heavier weights than I have right now but I don't want to waste my money if I'm eventually going to join a gym anyway, so I'll deal with that I have until that time comes.

I'm interested to see how my arms feel tomorrow after this light weight/high rep workout. With that being said, I am still not feeling any better today. My leg workout was not that great yesterday due to me being a little ill. I tried to get as much sleep as possible last night but tossed and turned for most the night.

Oh well'

My arms workout was pretty good tonight. It felt good to actually get a good session. I did E.Z.Bar Curls, overhead press, Wide Grip Barbell Curls, Rope push down, Single Hand Rope Curls, and bent over rope push.

7:00am - 3 eggs with ham
7:00am - Ripped Fuel, Vit-E, Fish oil, L-Carnitine, Green Tea, T-Bomb II, B-Complex
10:00am - EAS Carb Smart Protein bar
1:30pm - Myoplex Protein Bar
3:30pm - Weight Watchers Frozen Meal (220)
7:00pm - 3 CHKN Street Tacos from Rubios
9:15pm - 1 Scoop Protein Shake with Milk

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