Sunday, October 28, 2007

10.28.07 - Weight 186 - Shoulders/Forearms/Abs

OK, I'm back. I've been in the woods hunting for 10 days and I'm ready to hit it hard again. It was very nice to have this break from cardio and lifting and especially diet. I controlled my self most of the time however I did have a cookie and a few drinks over the week. I ate moderate portions but was convinced that I would have gained weight over the trip, to my surprise I weighed the same as when I left and I think I might even drop a pound or two over the next 2 days. I always have gained mega water weight when I drink and I had 2 Jager/Monster Lo-Carb drinks on Friday night.

I have 2 competitions going on with family members about loosing weight and building muscle so I am going to take a new tactic over the next 2 months. If you read this and this does not sound like it would work, please let me know but I have seen similar diets and routines that follow similar patterns.

I am going to do low carb (not 0 carb but low carb) Sunday-Thursday. Friday I will have a carb load day where I eat carbs freely. I will try to keep them healthy carbs using whole grain products, etc.

I am going to do cardio 5 times per week and will lift 5 days a week. 4 days will focus on the major muscle groups and then a 5th day will be a rotating lifting day for a certain muscle group for that week.

Sunday - Shoulders/Forearms/Abs
Monday - Biceps/Triceps
Tuesday - Back/Chest/Abs
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - ROTATE DAY

Week 1 - Biceps/Triceps
Week 2 - Shoulders
Week 3 - Chest/Back
Week 4 - Legs

I may have to rotate the normal days around so I don't have 2 leg days in a row etc. but I'll make it work.

8:00 am - 30 min cardio
8:30 am - 1 Scoop Protein w/ milk
8:30 am - 2 eggs with a small amount of cheese (less than 1 oz.)
8:30 am - Vit-E, Fsh Oil, Rpd Fuel, L-Carnitine, Grn-T, B-Complex, T-Bomb II

UPDATE: I did not log the rest of the day but I ate some sirloin steak for lunch, chicken and a very small amount of potatoes for dinner, I also had 2 scoops of protein with milk after my workout and a protein bar in the middle of the night. I woke up hungry so I got up and got a drink and a protein bar.

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